
Final update for the 2024 season!

  Here we go with updates for our final week of the season! Monday will feature the final regular games for Minor and T-Ball players, and Wednesday is our pizza party and Grown-Ups versus Kids games. The T-Ball players will have their games first, using both diamonds while the Minors have their pizza. When the T-Ball games are done (at around 6:45), they'll have their pizza and the Minors will take both fields for their games. Remember: if you're unable to make it on Wednesday night, please let someone with the league know before you leave on Monday night so you can collect your team photo and medal. Also, please have a look at the Lost & Found table inside the clubhouse this week, as we'll be cleaning that out after the season. Thanks!

July 24th: Movie night details

  Hi everyone - it's movie night! After our regularly scheduled games and practices, we'll set up our bedsheet/movie screen on the netting next to the Minors diamond. When it's dark enough, we'll get started! We'll be watching The Rookie starring Dennis Quaid. Popcorn and candy will be available, so bring some quarters or loonies, and feel free to bring a blanket or lawn chairs.

Updates for July 22 and 24

  Hello all, We're down to our last couple of weeks! Tomorrow night is our annual Baseball Buddies event, where the older players partner up with the T-Ballers for some activities. Because of the games lost to weather recently, we're going to modify things a bit for this season's edition. We'll start tomorrow night with the regular game/practice schedule. Between 6:30 and 6:45, which should be enough time for a couple of at-bats for all players, we'll switch to the Buddies activities with water balloon batting and catching, the T-Ball team-coloured ball launcher, and, don't worry ... freezies. Wednesday night will be our outdoor movie night, but we'll send out a separate notice for that on Tuesday. If anyone is expecting to not be in attendance for the final night, please let us know so we can get you the team photo and medal ahead of time!

Updates for July 1st and 3rd

Hi all, A reminder that there is no softball tomorrow, July 1st; hope that everyone has a great Canada Day! On Wednesday, July 3rd, we'll take our second shot at our Backwards Night, so wear those shirts and hats backwards if you like! Maybe our games will start in the third inning and end in the first that night?

Updates for June 24 and 26.

Hi everyone, here are some updates ahead of the coming week: First up: thanks to all who played through the heat for Ice Cream Sundae night last Wednesday! Together, we raised $177 for Port Cares, which we will deliver to them this week. Our event night this week is Backwards Night, which is on Wednesday. This looks a little different every year, but backwards shirts and hats are welcome, and there may be some other backwards ideas thrown your way by the coaches that night. See you tomorrow!

Change in schedule - updates for June 17th and 19th

Hi everybody, here are updates ahead of this week: As you may be aware, it's going to be a hot one, but one thing that will help is our annual Ice Cream Sundae night! There is a change of schedule, though, as it was originally to be held tomorrow, the 17th; instead, Ice Cream Sundae night will be on Wednesday the 19th. Instead of freezies that night, anyone who wishes to purchase a bowl of ice cream is asked to bring $2, with all of the proceeds going to a Port Cares donation. Apologies for the change! Also, a belated shout-out to a super-dedicated group of T-Ball moms in their baseball mom era! Love to see the excitement about our league! See you at the diamonds, everyone!

Updates for June 10th and 12th

Hi all, Here are updates for June 10th and 12th. It was a great day at the Jackfish game on Saturday - good weather and a blow-out win for Welland! Thanks to those who were able to make it out and to Coach Lydia for organizing the event. For T-Ball coaches: this Wednesday, Lydia will also be hosting a short coach's clinic after the games have concluded. Please plan to stay for a short time if possible. See you at the ballpark!

Updates for June 3rd and 5th

Hi everyone, F or this week, we will take team photos throughout Wednesday evening, so everyone is encouraged to wear their jerseys even if it's a practice night. Games or practices may be paused to take the pictures. Also, remember to bring cash to Patty tomorrow night if you're ordering tickets to the Jackfish game next Saturday, June 8. We're hoping for a big turn-out of Mastodons players and families!

Updates for May 27th and 29th

Hi all, Bit of a lengthy update ahead of this week! First up, although we're always thinking optimistically, a reminder about weather issues: If there is a lot of rain during the day, we'll do a check of the diamonds a couple of hours ahead of game time. If the diamonds are too soaked and it's unsafe to play, we'll make a cancellation announcement here and on Facebook. The other no-go is a thunderstorm; if that's happening, we would cancel the games and practices as well. Of course, if the weather turns once we're already there we'll make that call on the field. When in doubt, you can always call 905-658-0088 and check the outgoing message. If it says nothing about weather and nothing is posted here, it's game on! This Wednesday features our first theme event: it's "Rep your other favourite team" night! This means that whatever team is your second favourite (the Mastodons being your #1, of course), if you have a jersey, hat, or any other sw

Reminder: No softball tonight (May 20)

Hi everyone, Just a reminder that there's no softball today - hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. Looking ahead to Wednesday: our shirt order came in (minus a couple that will hopefully arrive in the next couple of da ys), so we'll distribute those at the start of Wednesday night!

Season schedule and Minor division rules now available

Hi everyone, we now have our season schedule sorted out, along with "house rules" for our Minor players. You can find both files through the following links, and printed copies will be also be posted in the clubhouse. 2024 Remaining Schedule: Minor Division Rules: Also, keep in mind throughout the season that there's a shelf just inside the clubhouse for lost and found items. Feel free to hand over anything found to one of the coaches or put it on the shelf, and be sure to take a look there if you're missing something.

Scheduling update

Hi everyone, A quick update after a great first night: all players in both divisions, T-Ball and Minors, will meet at 6:00 on both Mondays and Wednesdays. Half of the players from each group will play a game (more of a scrimmage this week) while the other half has a practice on the grass. For T-Ball, this will be in the outfield; for Minors, this will be in the space behind the clubhouse. Minors will likely swap halfway through the evening. We'll post a more detailed schedule including our event nights by Wednesday, but this will be the general plan moving forward.

Opening night details

Hi all, Our opening night is tomorrow! After a quick welcome greeting at 6:00, players of all divisions will rotate around to skills stations (hitting, fielding, throwing, etc.) to help coaches make balanced teams. There's no set time for finishing, but players typically finish up by 7:00 - younger players usually earlier! Some other general notes: the weather looks good for tomorrow, but in all cases "no news is good news." If we don't post an update about a weather cancellation on our sites or on the outgoing message on our phone number, then softball is on! Before next week, we'll post a season schedule with game, practice, and event night details; this will be after we determine the number of teams in each division. Looking forward to getting started!

Opening night approaches!

It's almost here! Thanks to everyone who has registered for softball and t-ball. We are still accepting registrations, but we are ready to roll on May 1st with both new and familiar faces! Special thanks to those who have volunteered for coaches - our league couldn't run without you (and we'll always welcome more!). More details on the opening night's activities will be posted soon. If you haven't already done so, be sure to join our Facebook group , our mailing list , or follow this blog for news and updates. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions!

Wainfleet Community Open House & Free Skate

  Hi everyone, Passing along the date for this year's Community Open House and Free Skate on Wednesday, April 24th! If you haven't been before, it's a good night to chat with us about our league, which means it's also a great thing to pass along to anyone who's interested in learning more about Wainfleet Youth Softball & T-Ball. There are other sports and community services in attendance, plus the free skate time. You can find their Facebook event page here: We'll have registration forms with us that evening if you'd like to drop yours off in person. Hope to see you there!

Paper copies of registration forms available

Good morning all, For those wanting paper copies of our registration form, you can now find them at the town hall, the library, and the three schools in Wainfleet (and still online here: ). Also, this was sent in by one of our league's families: a baseball instructional session run by the Toronto Blue Jays that will be in Thorold in June (among other places). They said it was a great experience last year, so if you're interested follow this link: . Two months until softball!  

2024 registration form now available!

  Our 2024 registration form is now available! You can access the file here: , and by the end of the week (March 1st) you'll also find printed copies at the township, the three Wainfleet schools, and the library. Remember that updates will be posted here, on our Facebook group page ( ) or you can join our mailing list through this link: . Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Registration for 2024 coming soon!

  Hi everyone, The registration form for our upcoming season will be available soon! We'll post an update when it's ready here on our blog , our Facebook group page ( ), and through our mailing list ( ).   Looking forward to another season of fun in the sun! Please reach out if you have any questions, and feel free to pass along our email address to anyone looking for more information.

Final update for the 2023 season

  Thanks to everyone for a great season: players, families, coaches, and everyone else involved! Here are just a few final notes as we close out 2023. There were some items left by the third base bench on diamond 1 (where the minors normally play). Let me know if these belong to you and we'll arrange for you to get them. There was also a white batting glove found; I don't have a picture of that right now, but let me know if you're missing one.     Along the same lines, if anyone didn't get their medal or picture last night for any reason, again let us know and we'll work out a pick-up.   Coach Daryl, who will barely take a break before gearing up for coaching hockey, wants to pass along this info for a program called "First Shift" with Wainfleet Wild hockey:   Wainfleet Minor Hockey will be hosting the First Shift Program this winter for children aged 6-10 (consideration will be given if the child is older than 10) who have not previously registered with

Notice on players for our last game

  Hi everyone,    We've had some questions about siblings or other family members having a chance to play tonight, and that's welcome on a night like this! Just be aware that only registered Mastodons players are listed our insurance policy, so anyone else playing does so without that coverage. That includes the grown-ups, so everyone do your stretches before the game!

Updates for July 31st and August 2nd

  Hi everyone - all of a sudden it's our last week of the season! We have one more game tonight for both Minors and T-Ball players, and then Wednesday is our pizza party and Grown-Ups vs Kids games.   Here's how the last night will look: The T-Ball players will play their games first while the Minors have their pizza. Both diamonds will be in use as we split the T-Ball players up into two squads. When the T-Ball games are done (at around 6:45), they'll have their pizza and the Minors will take both fields for their games.   A couple of reminders: if you're unable to make it on Wednesday night, please let your coach know tonight so you can collect your team photo and medal. Also, please have a look at the Lost & Found table outside by the clubhouse door this week, as we'll be cleaning that out after the season.   Hopefully we can dodge any bad weather again tonight - no updates means we're on!

Modified: Updates for July 17 & 19

  Hi everyone,   Along with our regularly scheduled games and practices, this week features our outdoor movie night on Wednesday! After softball has wrapped up, feel free to hang around at the diamonds or return around dusk - as soon as it's dark enough we'll get the movie rolling on our screen at diamond 1; it's a bedsheet, but it works out fine!    Programming alert! Due to technical issues, we can't show The Rookie tonight - so we'll be watching The Sandlot instead. Just FYI for anyone who was planning on coming!

This week's update

  Hi everyone, Here's an update for July 10th and 12th. It's a pretty straightforward week for us! We have our scheduled games and practices on Monday and Wednesday, with the addition of Super Hero Night on Wednesday. That means capes, costumes, and cowls are encouraged - or just play like a super-hero if you don't feel like dressing up!

Update for tonight (July 3rd)

Hi all, this is just a quick note to let you know what we're thinking regarding the weather tonight!  The diamonds will almost certainly be soaked, but we won't really be using them this evening. Since it's our Baseball Buddies night (or maybe Baseball Floodies?), we'll be doing activities around the complex, some of which will be water activities anyway. So, unless it's actually stormy, we'll go ahead tonight rain or shine!

Updates for July 3rd and 5th

  Happy July, everyone! We're back at it tomorrow - and let's hope it's a straight run all the way through to the end!   Here is our latest updated schedule, including the new end date of Wednesday, August 2nd to help make up for some of our missed nights:   We have two event nights happening this week: Baseball Buddies and Ice Cream Sundae Night. For those new to our league, Baseball Buddies sees us make small groups of T-Ball, Minor, and Major players mixed together, rotating around the complex to game and challenge stations. Players should dress to get wet as a slip n' slide and water balloon batting are among the stations. There's no need to wear team jerseys on this night.   To repeat the info for Wednesday's Ice Cream Sundae Night: after the players have finished their respective games or practices, sundaes will be available for a $2 toonie - with proceeds going to a Port C