
Showing posts from June, 2024

Updates for July 1st and 3rd

Hi all, A reminder that there is no softball tomorrow, July 1st; hope that everyone has a great Canada Day! On Wednesday, July 3rd, we'll take our second shot at our Backwards Night, so wear those shirts and hats backwards if you like! Maybe our games will start in the third inning and end in the first that night?

Updates for June 24 and 26.

Hi everyone, here are some updates ahead of the coming week: First up: thanks to all who played through the heat for Ice Cream Sundae night last Wednesday! Together, we raised $177 for Port Cares, which we will deliver to them this week. Our event night this week is Backwards Night, which is on Wednesday. This looks a little different every year, but backwards shirts and hats are welcome, and there may be some other backwards ideas thrown your way by the coaches that night. See you tomorrow!

Change in schedule - updates for June 17th and 19th

Hi everybody, here are updates ahead of this week: As you may be aware, it's going to be a hot one, but one thing that will help is our annual Ice Cream Sundae night! There is a change of schedule, though, as it was originally to be held tomorrow, the 17th; instead, Ice Cream Sundae night will be on Wednesday the 19th. Instead of freezies that night, anyone who wishes to purchase a bowl of ice cream is asked to bring $2, with all of the proceeds going to a Port Cares donation. Apologies for the change! Also, a belated shout-out to a super-dedicated group of T-Ball moms in their baseball mom era! Love to see the excitement about our league! See you at the diamonds, everyone!

Updates for June 10th and 12th

Hi all, Here are updates for June 10th and 12th. It was a great day at the Jackfish game on Saturday - good weather and a blow-out win for Welland! Thanks to those who were able to make it out and to Coach Lydia for organizing the event. For T-Ball coaches: this Wednesday, Lydia will also be hosting a short coach's clinic after the games have concluded. Please plan to stay for a short time if possible. See you at the ballpark!

Updates for June 3rd and 5th

Hi everyone, F or this week, we will take team photos throughout Wednesday evening, so everyone is encouraged to wear their jerseys even if it's a practice night. Games or practices may be paused to take the pictures. Also, remember to bring cash to Patty tomorrow night if you're ordering tickets to the Jackfish game next Saturday, June 8. We're hoping for a big turn-out of Mastodons players and families!